In related news, Husband-Elect and I will be appearing tomorrow morning on CBS' The Early Show to discuss the $25 Food Project. We are super excited, and currently in desperate search of things to wear.
See you back here in a few hours.
In the meantime, hello everyone from CNN! If you’re visiting the blog for the first time, welcome! We’re so happy to have you. Bathroom’s on the left. If you’re a longtime reader, we love you! We’re not kidding. It's a little scary.
To get an idea of what CHG is all about, our FAQ and mission statement are good places to begin. To go a little deeper, these six posts give a pretty solid overview of what we do here:
- Spend Less, Eat Healthier: The Five Most Important Things You Can Do
- Dr. Veg-Love, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Seasonal Produce
- The Circular Game: Decoding Your Supermarket Weekly
- How to Tell if a Recipe is Cheap and Healthy Just by Looking at it
- Weekly Menu Planning for Singles, Couples, and Working People
- Relax, Frugal Eater: A Measured Approach to Lifestyle Changes
Hope you’re enjoying the blog so far. We’d love to hear from you if you have suggestions, and best of luck with your cooking!