We’re just starting to recover from the busy-ness, so today is all about getting things back up to speed. Please accept this Ask the Internet question in the meantime…
Q: A few weeks ago, we asked readers what food-type item you can’t believe exists. The answers were funny and overall, pretty shocking, with the clear-and-away winner being pre-made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This week, we thought we’d go in the other direction: What’s your favorite processed food?
A: I have four:
- Kraft Macaroni and Cheese: Powdered cheese is a crime against nature and good sense, but I would give up a limb for this stuff.
- CoffeeMate: in almost every flavor.
- Aunt Jemima’s Butter Lite Syrup. Someday, they will discover that Aunt Jemima is the core component of nuclear payloads. Meanwhile, leave me be when I'm huddled in a corner, chugging this straight from the bottle.
- Breakfast cereals. Honey Nut Cheerios. Crispix. Special K Red Berries. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Kix. Honey Bunches of Oats. The list goes on. I can't help it. There are Grape Nuts embedded in my DNA.
Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to cheaphealthygood@gmail.com. Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.